Stuffs I Read

Reading Is My Passion

Wife found lover on the internet. The lover turned out to be her husband! February 28, 2007

Filed under: Stories — sarah @ 1:40 am

This remarkable incident happened in China. The Life newspaper managed to contact Chinese journalists and find out the details of this amazing story.There was a usual Chinese family. The wife (her name was Ji) was a teacher at the University and the husband (Gven) was a manager of some commercial firm. They have been together for 12 years and a son is a fruit of their happy marriage. The people around always considered them to be the perfect couple and envied their love. But then it seemed to the spouses there was something missing in their relationship.

One fine evening Ji went to the Internet class after work, turned a computer on and surfed on the world wide web. Then she suddenly posted a message, a very open message to the mail box of one of “women-seek-men” sites. The subject of the e-mail was: “I Want You” with the signature “Seductive Woman”. This adventurous message got 5 thousand replies from men! Some of them were asking tons of questions to her, others were offering to meet that instant, promising fantastic sex and loads of other enjoyment. Ji selected several dozens of all those letters. Her husband’s e-mail was among them! She did not know about it though.

Doing some business for his company Gven was surfing the net for hours until he suddenly came across the site which his wife had sent a message to. He was about to shut the computer down, when he saw the subject of one of the messages “I Want You”. “Why not?”,- was Gven’s idea. His reply was as follows: “My dearest, I have been waiting for you for my entire life! I had a presentiment our meeting would take place eventually. I am happy! Kisses”. And the signature was “Your Lover”. He realized there were thousands of such men in China and was not hoping for a respond. You can imagine he was jumping for joy after it actually happened. The Seductive Woman wrote to her Lover: “I am undressing you. You are so sweet”.

The computer love affair was developing very fast, in just a couple of days the spouses warned each other they would stay longer at work than usual. They sat at their computers and were writing the most intimate fantasies to each other, their desires, Ji made complaints about her husband who she was tired of. He was on his way to Seductive Woman’s heart with the words of admiration and love, he was writing beautiful poems to her. On their way back home they were looking for explanations for they were expecting a scandal. Ji was going to tell Gven she was talking to a friend of hers all night long and Gven referred to some urgent work he had to do with a trip to the neighborhood.

The spouses met at the doors of their apartment. “Where are you coming from that late?” was the question they asked to each other simultaneously. They narrated their made up stories and went to bed.

The Lover and the Seductive Woman communicated via the net daily afterwards. Each day drew them closer to each other. Finally Gven’s patience was exhausted and he wrote: “My beautiful dream! I have known you for a month only, but it seems to me I have known you for my whole life! You are my ideal and I am full of desire to meet you in reality”. She replied she was dreaming about the real meeting as well. The Lover set the date on the small old bridge in the center of the city. She gave her consent to come. They agreed they would recognize each other holding a newspaper in their hands.

Ji was the first who recognized him. She fainted. Gven rushed over to her and when he recognized his own wife instead of the beautiful stranger, he was shocked.

When Ji recovered, she started beating her husband all over. She was yelling she hated him, that he was spying on her underhandedly. “You are spying on me yourself!” – the furious husband was screaming back. Only the police managed to pull them apart. At the police station they narrated their story and started laughing their heads off. It was time to call 911.

Ji and Gven left the police holding each other by their hands. Now they assure they are the ideal couple in China. “Just think about it – I chose her from a billion of the Chinese and she chose me – isn’t this a miracle?” – Gven says. The happy couple says they will never be apart: for a month of computer communication they learned more about themselves than during those 12 years of marriage.


The Top Twelve E-Mail Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Career February 27, 2007

Filed under: Tips — sarah @ 1:15 am

You return to your office from an afternoon meeting and decide to check e-mail. You wonder where your day went after spending hours downloading messages, reading some, deleting others, crafting replies and filing those that you want to work on later. Your e-mail box was full when you arrived at work this morning and tomorrow promises to be no different.

What is this e-mail explosion? Was there a point in time when the entire world decided to use the Internet as their business communication tool of choice? Are there rules for managing these messages and being a professional and polite user of electronic mail? There are, but not everyone has gotten the word.

Your e-mail is as much a part of your professional image as the clothes you wear, the postal letters you write (assuming you still do), the greeting on your voice mail and the handshake you offer. If you want to impress on every front and build positive business relationships, pay attention to your e-mail and steer clear of these top twelve e-mail mistakes:

1. OMITTING THE SUBJECT LINE. We are way past the time when we didn’t realize the significance of the subject line. It makes no sense to send a message that reads “no subject” and seems to be about nothing. Given the huge volume of e-mail that each person receives, the subject header is essential if you want your message read any time soon. The subject line has become the hook.

2. NOT MAKING YOUR SUBJECT LINE MEANINGFUL. Your header should be pertinent to your message, not just “Hi” or “Hello.” The recipient is going to decide the order in which he reads e-mail based on who sent it and what it is about. Your e-mail will have lots of competition.

3. FAILING TO CHANGE THE HEADER TO CORRESPOND WITH THE SUBJECT. For example, if you are writing your web publisher, your first header may be “Web site content.” However, as your site develops and you send more information, label each message for what it is, “contact info,” “graphics,” or “home page.” Don’t just hit “reply” every time. Adding more details to the header will allow the recipient to find a specific document in his/her message folder without having to search every one you sent. Start a new message if you change the subject all together.

4. NOT PERSONALIZING YOUR MESSAGE TO THE RECIPIENT. E-mail is informal but it still needs a greeting. Begin with “Dear Mr. Broome,” “Dear Jim,” “Hello Jim,” or just “Jim.” Failure to put in the person’s name can make you and your e-mail seem cold.

5. NOT ACCOUNTING FOR TONE. When you communicate with another person face to face, 93% of the message is non-verbal. E-mail has no body language. The reader cannot see your face or hear your tone of voice so chose your words carefully and thoughtfully. Put yourself in the other person’s place and think how your words may come across in Cyberspace.

6. FORGETTING TO CHECK FOR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR. In the early days of e-mail, someone created the notion that this form of communication did not have to be letter perfect. Wrong. It does. It is a representation of you. If you don’t check to be sure e-mail is correct, people will question the caliber of other work you do. Use proper capitalization and punctuation, and always check your spelling. Remember that your spellchecker will catch misspelled words, but not misused ones. It cannot tell whether you meant to say “from” or “form,” “for” or “fro”, “he” or “the.”

7. WRITING THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL. E-mail is meant to be brief. Keep your message short. Use only a few paragraphs and a few sentences per paragraph. People skim their e-mail so a long missive is wasted. If you find yourself writing an overly long message, pick up the phone or call a meeting.

8. FORWARDING E-MAIL WITHOUT PERMISSION. Most everyone is guilty of this one, but think about it. If the message was sent to you and only you, why would you take responsibility for passing it on? Too often confidential information has gone global because of someone’s lack of judgment. Unless you are asked or request permission, do not forward anything that was sent just to you.

9. THINKING THAT NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER SEE YOUR E-MAIL. Once it has left your mailbox, you have no idea where your e-mail will end up. Don’t use the Internet to send anything that you couldn’t stand to see on a billboard on your way to work the next day. Use other means to communicate personal or sensitive information.

10. LEAVING OFF YOUR SIGNATURE. Always close with your name, even though it is included at the top of the e-mail, and add contact information such as your phone, fax and street address. The recipient may want to call to talk further or send you documents that cannot be e-mailed. Creating a formal signature block with all that data is the most professional approach.

11. EXPECTING AN INSTANT RESPONSE. Not everyone is sitting in front of the computer with e-mail turned on. The beauty of Internet communication is that it is convenient. It is not an interruption. People can check their messages when it suits them, not you. If your communication is so important that you need to hear back right away, use the phone.

12. COMPLETING THE “TO” LINE FIRST. The name or address of the person to whom you are writing is actually the last piece of information you should enter. Check everything else over carefully first. Proof for grammar, punctuation, spelling and clarity. Did you say what needed to be said? How was your “tone of voice”? If you were the least bit emotional when you wrote the e-mail, did you let it sit for a period of time? Did you include the attachment you wanted to send? If you enter the recipient’s name first, a mere slip of the finger can send a message before its’ time. You can never take it back.

E-mail makes everything easier and faster including making a powerful business impression and establishing positive professional relationships. The businessperson who uses the technology effectively and appropriately will see the results of that effort reflected in the bottom line.

Author: Lydia Ramsey


Are you a wealthy man? February 26, 2007

Filed under: Stories — sarah @ 1:10 am

Once a pious man was praying silently. A wealthy merchant, observing the pious man’s devotion and sincerity, was deeply touched by him. The merchant offered him a bag of gold. “I know that you will use the money for God’s sake. Please take it.”

“Just a moment.” The pious man replied. ” I’m not sure if it is lawful for me to take your money. Are you a wealthy man? Do you have more money at home?

“Oh yes. I have at least one thousand gold pieces at home,” claimed the merchant very proudly.

“Do you want a thousand gold pieces more? Asked the pious man.

“Why yes, of course. Every day I work hard to earn MORE money.”

“And do you wish for yet a thousand gold pieces more beyond that?”

“Certainly. Every day I pray that I may earn MORE and MORE MONEY.”

The pious man pushed the bad of gold back to the merchant. “I am sorry, but I cannot take your gold,” he said. “A wealthy man cannot take money from a beggar.”

“How can you call yourself a wealthy man and me a beggar?” the merchant spluttered and looking quite annoyed.

The pious man replied, “I am a wealthy man because I am very content with whatever God has blessed me. You are a beggar, because no matter how much you possess, you are always dissatisfied, and always begging God for MORE”.